Clearly, social media has powerful potential for businesses of all sizes, but how can the entrepreneur harness this massive media potential? How can social networking work for him or her?
As the founders of the largest social network for entrepreneurs in the world,, Adrie Reinders and Marion Freijsen know more than most CEOs about targeting this crucial audience. “E” is for entrepreneur, and the e.factor site--with a community of more than 800,000 and growing rapidly--represents a vibrant online virtual marketplace designed for entrepreneurs, who come to the site to make business connections, negotiate deals, exchange information and advertise their products and services. In their new book, The E-Factor, Reinders and Freijsen coach entrepreneurs on the finer points of the social media game, guiding them through tweets, trendsetting and time management in the 24/7 social media landscape. The 10 highly effective habits of social networking they spell out in the book include how to develop relationships with online users, create customized campaigns for each social media site and measure one’s success in this arena.
Entrepreneurs themselves with a combined seven decades of experience, Reinders and Freijse are also the authors of The N Factor, about how networking can transform one’s business. In their own networking over the years, they have garnered a vast set of connections, who will be called upon for cover blurbs, promotional endorsements and contributions to The E-Factor. Prominent contacts of theirs include Hideo Ito, former chairman of Toshiba; Neal Lemlein, retired executive vice president of Fox and Universal Studios; Rick Perry, governor of Texas; John Legend, Grammy award-winning musician; and Omar Tyree, New York Times bestselling author. The E-Factor authors also have a strong promotional plan, which includes more than 50 speaking engagements to entrepreneurs and active marketing through the and the authors' social media resources.