Lead to Succeed and You Won't Manage to Fail [Kindle Edition] by Corey Grant E books Download from Book Store

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Product Description
So you finally moved up and got promoted into management? That's what you've always wanted right? That's what you've been working toward your entire career. 

Lead to Succeed and You Won't Manage to Fail gives you an inside look at what it takes to not only become a great manager but a legendary leader. Written with the career focused leader in mind this book is a straight forward look at what successful leaders do to maximize their effectiveness both before and after they become managers. 

Whether you manage a small community organization or a large Fortune 500 company this book will help you become a more effective leader by providing you with an in depth insight into what great managers think about and consider when building a successful organization.

Learn first hand what it takes to lead like a legend, because if you can lead well... you won't manage to fail.
About the Author
Corey Grant is a multi-faceted leader and serves as President and CEO of the International Leadership Corporation. As a graduate of both Southern University and Alabama A&M University, two of the country’s premier historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), Corey has used his drive, determination and leadership style to progressively advance his career from an entry level staffer to leader of over $300 million dollars in federal programs and services. As a member of the United States Marine Corps, Corey honed his skills for leadership where he was taught the principles of adapting, adjusting and overcoming obstacles to achieve his mission and goals. Corey lives and works in the Washington, DC metro area and is a life long learner and leader. Corey enjoys helping others develop their untapped leadership potential to get themselves and their organizations where they want to be.